released book

We Are All the Same but Different:
A Youth-Group Dialogue for Teens

Mission Statement

Doveline Press is committed to publishing books that examine complex public policy issues, providing vantage points and perspectives that you simply won’t obtain from the corporate mainstream media, political “establishment,” and the traditional publishing industry. These publications offer alternative observations, facts, and developments concerning public policy issues – on both the domestic and foreign policy front – that provide readers with many sides of an issue. Doveline also takes up topics that are normally not covered by the same pundits/commentators appearing on the regular news programs.

Doveline Press dares go where most won’t! In today’s world, the current trends lean towards “political correctness.” Doveline Press’ mission focuses on covering issues in a way that challenges the status quo. The knowledge imparted, which is highly documented from an array of bibliographical sources, is meant to challenge citizens and readers to think on a deeper level than what is traditionally presented by the mainstream media and political establishment.

Dedicated to the promotion of freedom, liberty, prosperity and peaceDoveline Press hopes that its publications catalyze the reader of its publications to use this knowledge in order to fully participate in civic and government affairs. By synthesizing complicated issues in a comprehensive, but, simple way, these publications promote critical thinking. To solve problems and find solutions, society must first understand the nature of those problems.

Doveline Press hopes that its publications will make individuals, who have not gravitated towards politics, become more interested and engaged in monitoring public policy issues to ensure that “accountability” to the citizenry ensues. Doveline Press publications are committed to promoting the truth. Its highest priorities aim at the promotion of true representative democracy and constitutional government – “a government for and by the people.” Its manuscripts uncover facts and findings that help people understand our nation and the world around us. Its vision emphasizes education by delving into those significant societal and governmental issues that shed light on what’s wrong. With that knowledge, people can become involved with correcting maladies in our governmental system to ensure a revitalized, restored, and advanced Republic. Doveline’s highest priority focuses on policies that lead to “peace” which in turn results in prosperity and the enhancement of individual liberties and freedom.



“Evil is powerless if the good are unafraid.”

-Ronald Reagan

The portrait image of president Ronald Reagan
An portrait image of Martin Luther


“Mankind must evolve for all human conflicts a method which rejects revenge, aggression, and retaliation. The foundation of such a method is love.”

-Martin Luther King

Reader Reviews

Testimonials from 2015 released book: America’s Lost Opportunity: Stolen Victories 2012

A ide angle view of the White House USA
“After I read the first book, I felt empowered. When I listen to the debates or read about the candidates for the 2016 elections, I can say that I felt smarter analyzing the news and the campaigns. Perfect timing for the second edition! Thank you Ms. Smarth for opening my eyes!” -Alia Suqi
“Well researched and written. The book is true to its title. Let us hope we will not miss another opportunity this election cycle.”  -S Prakash Kancherla
A wide angle view of the US capitol building
A wide angle view of the administration architecture building
“After reading the first edition it is mandatory that I reread the second edition considering our current political climate. One party is the Old (older) guard with more of the same and the other is a rat race with many candidates being manipulated by the press. D. Smarth sorts it all out and brings a level playing field to you the voter. Excellent!” -Don Vincenzo